Where History Means Knowledge. Be Informed.

Rather that have you get your medical information from a candidate for a M.A. in History, there are some very good sites which discuss medical and fundamental exposure issues, which will provide to you the up to date information that you need, and assist in any networking or counseling that may help you on this journey.  There are also a number of doctors who are actively working to improve the medical prognosis for Mesothelioma.

I recommend that you touch base with the following:

1.  There are a number of Facebook Groups organized for “Mesowarriors” who are fighting the good fight.  Many of these groups are open to people seeking information on medical or support related issues and I would urge you to seek them out.  I can provide you some contact information should you desire.

2.  The International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig) is an independent international group of scientists and clinicians working to understand, cure and prevent mesothelioma, at  Their May 2021 virtual convention was beyond compare and I can send to you the presentations description should you desire.

3.  The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization run by Linda Reinstein in the United States is an outstanding resource for information by people who are active on all asbestos related issues.  They can be reached at 

4.  The American Cancer Society site at

5.  For BAP-1 related issues, causation of Mesothelioma, and why the Mesothelioma tends to be less aggressive than the asbestos related Mesothelioma, see the doctors’ discussion  on MesoTV at 

6.  The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.  They can be reached at

There are many website which are either run by attorneys or which feed cases to attorneys in the United States.  They are worth looking at, but remember that their ultimate goal may be different that yours.

There are also an ongoing publication of books and papers on the topic, but many of them are very technical in nature and difficult to put into context for a specific patient.  I can make book recommendations to you should you desire to go in that direction.