Would Auto Brake Service Manuals and Instructions be Useful to You?

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Would Auto Brake Service Manuals and Instructions be Useful to You?

History requires a lot of digging and working through old documents. Early in my career, I was curious and interested in how the use of asbestos fibers in automobile brake friction material came about. To support this research, I purchased a number of automobile manuals and instructions.

These are but a few of the manuals and instructions contained in my library.

As I try to save space in my home office, I find that these types of manuals have very little future use to my research interests. At the same time, I feel like I am hoarding them in a closet when they might be useful to others.

Let me know if anyone might have an interest. Although I purchased the documents generally using Amazon or eBay, my preference is to donate them and other similar manuals which I possess to a worthy cause.

My first choice would be to a charitable organization which shares its documents. My second choice would be to a friend in need. I am not giving them away to anyone who merely plans to resell them.

If you are interested, email me at TheAsbestosBlog@gmail.com. Thanks. Marty