Asbestos History: Finding Sources for your Research

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Asbestos History: Finding Sources for your Research

For those of you interested in researching specific topics in asbestos history, whether for lawsuits or otherwise, finding the primary source materials is critical. At the same time, secondary sources by scientists and historians in the know are a good starting point.

One of my favorite research books is the 1963 Asbestos Fundamentals: origin, properties, mining, processing, utilization by Hans Berger and Ralph Oesper. Although the book is only 170 pages, it is packed with material which, in turn, can lead to other resources.

As an example, take the forward. Note that the author claims that eight then recent books existed which are worthwhile for further information and then names the books.

If you are researching and have questions, find copies of those books either on line or at a library.

Also, if you are looking for pictures showing tradesmen being exposed to asbestos fibers, this book is loaded with representative material.

Need to know which mines locations were functioning and important. Easy enough to find out.

In summary, resources exist and you just need to undertake your research. Find primary sources when you can and, if you cannot, then look for reliable secondary sources that compile the information.

Any questions? Let me know either in the comments or by email at Thank you. Marty