Interested in What Facts Brought Down Johns-Manville: The 330 Page Index to the Motley 1000 Documents Begins the Discussion.

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Interested in What Facts Brought Down Johns-Manville: The 330 Page Index to the Motley 1000 Documents Begins the Discussion.

If you have never heard of the Motley 1000 documents, then you have not spent time as the Manville document repository in Denver, Colorado feeling lost and confused. These are the documents as organized by Ron Motley and his teams of lawyer associates called the Asbestos Litigation Group in 1978 with the goal of upending the asbestos industry’s litigation defenses; not just JM, but all of them. The documents are extensive and detailed, including the Board of Director meeting minutes during 1933 authorizing the company to settle the first 11 asbestosis product liability cases for $30,000 with a confidentiality agreement. I note that over the years since those first settlements, the conduct of Johns-Manville as discussed in these documents did not improve. However, this Index, is now public and not subject to attorney client privileges and confidentiality; as such, it is like a tell all. The unfortunate news is that most of the bad actors were deceased by the time all of this became public. Maybe descendant Tommy Manville had to go from being a very rich playboy with 11 wives in thirteen marriages to being only a rich playboy with more spouses than Elizabeth Taylor, but life isn’t always fair.

I have attached the 330 page plus Index to the documents at This is just the index as the actual documents are much too large for me to easily load them from my hard drive to my Blog. However, the Index is a good place for you to get a feeling as to whether these might be of interest to you.

Let’s start with pages 1 and 2:

The settlement Board of Director Minutes is the following:

As to other misconduct, please note the following in which the document acknowledges medical conditions not disclosed during the 1950s to employees.

There are 1000 such documents. If you ever wonder what a group of organized, smart, and aggressive attorneys can do, look no further.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I hope that you find the above interesting and informative. Thanks. Marty