What Engineers Knew About Asbestos: Pre-1920

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What Engineers Knew About Asbestos: Pre-1920

I love a good stroll through the archives. Today, please join me on this trip as Electrical Engineers might have been making over 100 years ago.

Asbestos intersected with engineering designs long before the health related hazards became obvious. To see examples of their use of asbestos, I have chosen the 1917 Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, 4th Edition.

This little book is 1984 pages thick, contains very small printing, and packed with information.

It seems that asbestos wood, including, Transite and Ebony, was a big item at the time.

Asbestos-mica was also a hit.

impregnating the asbestos was important enough to justify a section.

I have a number of these old books should you ever be on deep dig and need some help.

Let me know what you think, either by leaving a comment or sending me an email to TheAsbestosBlog@gmail.com. Thanks. Marty