Yes, “Stained and Polished Wood” Flooring and Carpeting was Made from Asbestos.

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Yes, “Stained and Polished Wood” Flooring and Carpeting was Made from Asbestos.

If you Google “asbestos carpeting,” the various search responses typically discuss the carpet underlayment or include statements such as the poster having not heard of asbestos carpeting. Google “stained and polished asbestos wood flooring” typically brings you to asbestos tiles or similar products. Good thing that we still have encyclopedias around, especially The Encyclopedia Americana from 1904. In particular, the entry for “Asbestos” includes the following:

“Flooring and woodwork in general may be easily replaced by compressed asbestos fibre board, and it has been shown that the latter may be stained, polished, and finished to a high degree as wood. All the upholstery should be of pure asbestos cloth, and carpeting is also made to take the place of the combustible vegetable and animal fibres now used so extensively. One of the peculiar properties of asbestos carpeting is that the longer it is in service, the tougher it becomes.”

So, if you are about to sand what looks to be hardwood floors in an old house, you may want to have a close look at the type of wood before plugging in the sander. Throwing out extremely old carpeting? Again, be careful. Add in the risk of woodwork in older houses containing asbestos fibers, and the homeowner or remodel company needs to be careful and know what they are doing.

I continue to be amazed by the breadth of asbestos products which have since faded into oblivion, or at least almost to oblivion. If you have some time, the discussion in the encyclopedia on the use of asbestos in theater curtains is excellent.

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