1956: Asbestos Textile Institute’s Air Hygiene Committee Meeting, Asbestosis-Cancer Discussions, and Garlock.
I apologize in advance for the poor quality of the document referenced below. The quality that you see is pretty much what I have.
I always get confused as to when asbestos exposure was first attached to the causation of cancer. The below March 7, 1956 minutes of the Asbestos Textile Institute’s Air Hygiene Committee makes it clear that the relationship between asbestos and Lung Cancer was known by 1956. This exposure could arise after a short 6 month exposure; at least per a Dr. Hueper who is mentioned in the minutes. Further, the discussion potentially coined a new word for the Medical Dictionary of “Asbestosis-Cancer,” by tying the two together.
6 months seems very short in terms of exposure. I also found it interesting that a representative of Garlock attended the March 7, 1956 Air Hygiene Committee Meeting. I would be curious whether Garlock was having dust related air hygiene concerns in its factories at the time.
Perhaps someone reading this blog knows more than I do on this topic. If so, leave a comment or send me an email at TheAsbestosBlog@gmail.com. Thanks. Marty
2 Responses
Hi marty..hope this finds you doing ok, praise the lord and pass the potatos..asbestos is finally banned by the epa even if it took 70 years to do it. I want to thank all here and gone for their fight to ban asbestos but there is still alot to do, I wrote to epa and requested a public warning for libby and asked them to change their status from selling libby as safe to not safe. Only been 24 years now but I still have hope. Thank you for all you do Marty to warn and educate the public on asbestos..we do make a difference. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson and with all else I am dealing with I got alot to get in order but I thank you for being in my life and the same page of caring for others to save a life. We are true warriors for the cause.sending love and thank you
I am so sorry to hear about the Parkinson disease, and you are in my prayers. You need to find a home for your Libby related documents sooner rather than later. You do not want it lost to history.
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