1919: A Comprehensive Look at Asbestos from London by Leonard Summers

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1919: A Comprehensive Look at Asbestos from London by Leonard Summers

In 1919, Leonard Summers published in London the very first comprehensive book on asbestos. How do we know that? Well, because he modestly states so in the Forward to his book titled Asbestos and the Asbestos Industry: The World’s Most Wonderful Mineral and Other Fireproof Materials. Summers states:

“Until the completion of this work, there existed no comprehensive book on the absorbing study of asbestos. Many years ago a book was issued abroad on the subject, but to-day, even if not out of print, this would in all probability be quite out of date.”

Interestingly, the author identifies the very first commercialization of an asbestos industry waking up for the industrial resolution as 1868 in the United States and 1871 in the U.K:

Clearly, the author believed that asbestos was the long term savior against fires. Interestingly, I did not know that the fire deaths were primarily from the theater goers being trampled in the rush to escape, and not the flames themselves:

This book has some great Illustrations:

Just to show a few:

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