International Mesothelioma Interest Group Virtual Conference, May 7-9

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International Mesothelioma Interest Group Virtual Conference, May 7-9

As a change from my normal historical based weekly Blog, let’s discuss Mesothelioma and other asbestos disease related research. As the diagnosis lag from exposure to asbestos is generally 30 to 40 years, literally millions of currently living ill fated people will be diagnosed with, and die from, an asbestos related disease who are already fully exposed and cannot at this time avoid it. For those people, the only real research that counts involves disease prevention, mitigation, and pain reduction.

Starting on May 7th, the International Mesothelioma Interest Group will be holding a virtual conference that focuses on the disease and the disease cure. For those of you suffering from this disease or who are involved in lawsuits, on either side, this conference would seem to be the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge concerning the state of the art research. The schedule is as follows:

In addition, there are plenty of opportunities to learn outside of the lectures themselves.

If you are interested, I recommend just starting at their home page at and going from there. Alternatively, I plan to catch as many of the sessions as possible and would be happy to report what I learn. I also plan to catch the pre-conference May 2nd session on Mesothelioma in East Asia as this is likely to be a hot spot for the disease in the future.

Let me know if you have any question or comments at or by leaving a comment.