Global Asbestos Awareness Week: April 1 – 7, 2022

Where History Means Knowledge. Be Informed.

Global Asbestos Awareness Week: April 1 – 7, 2022

This will be my shortest blog, ever. Still, it is very important.

April 1 through 7, 2022 has been designated as Global Asbestos Awareness Week, including a lot of activities for those people with an interest in asbestos related diseases.

Linda Reinstein at the ADAO (Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization) is certainly taking an active role in developing and providing these events and information which can been seen on YouTube at and otherwise at

If you Google “Global Asbestos Awareness Week,” you will find additional websites, some of which are really mostly attorney placement ad locations, that use the ADAO information to drive business to their websites. Unfortunately, a lot of asbestos and mesothelioma websites are designed to drive business to law firms rather than to provide education to those who are in need. Others are public interest sites to educate the public, such as Your first stop, if you have an interest, should be at the ADAO links mentioned above.

I leave the blogging and information flow to the ADAO this week. The ADAO is a worthy non-profit that deserves all of our support. Let me know if you have any comments or questions at Thank you. Marty