Tag: shipbreaking

Where History Means Knowledge. Be Informed.

My Weekly Blog is a Summary of Prior Blogs

My weekly asbestos blogs since December 2020 are as follows including topic, date, and live link. Marty Blog Title Date Blog Location 1 Asbestos, a Magic Mineral Dec 16, 2020 https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=619 2 A Short History Lesson Dec 16, 2020 https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=621 3 Asbestos Companies Behaving Badly Dec 28, 2020 https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=744 4 A Call to Arms Jan…
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Summary of Posts

I have been traveling for a while and won’t return to my home office for another week or two. Rather than rush through a blog, I have taken the opportunity to post a summary of my past blogs including title, date and a hot link. Typically, these summaries get a lot of viewers, and so…
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Summary of Prior Blogs

My last blog summary listing was on March 30, 2024. As the blogs that contain a summary always receive a good viewership, it is time for an updated chart. The below include the topic, the date, and a link to the particular blogs. Please enjoy. Thanks. Marty Blog Title Date Blog Location 1 Asbestos, a…
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1805: The Leading Exporters of Asbestos are Scotland, Sweden, Saxony, and Dauphiny

I have a prior blog that mentions asbestos first becoming commercialized in England during the 1830s. See https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=11519. I guess it depends on how one defines “commercialized.” Let’s look at a few decades prior to the 1830s. Take the 1805 London publication titled Short Characters of Earths: with Notes according to the Improvements of Klaproth,…
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Asbestos Issues at the Illinois Beach State Park and What is Next.

My third and final thesis for my masters program is titled “South African Blue Asbestos Fibers at the Illinois Beach State Park: Mistakes of our Past, Concerns for the future” located at https://theasbestosblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/IBSP-5-52024.pdf. I hope that you find it interesting and informative. Although this paper focuses on issues in Illinois, the paradox of satisfying safety/environmental…
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150 Asbestos Blogs: Skim and Enjoy

Below is a listing with hot links to each of my 150 asbestos history blogs since December 2020. It has been a wonderful three years and I appreciate the interest so many of my friends have shown. My total view count is about to reach 22,000 for these last three years. My blogs are intended…
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140 Asbestos-Related Blog Postings Since December 2020: A Listing of Topic with Hot Links for those who are Interested.

I posted my first Asbestos-Related blog just prior to entering the Masters of History program here at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in January 2021. I am about to reach 20,000 views in just under three years and am honored with your interest. For those who were not with me at the start…
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Update on Shipbreaking Asbestos Issues:  Ratification of Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.  As to Asbestos Harm, Worthless or Worthwhile?

This posting follows up on my research thesis on the asbestos exposures experienced by shipbreaking laborers in Bangladesh published in two of my May 2023 blogs which are at https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=10929 and https://theasbestosblog.com/?p=10943. This update becomes necessary based on the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention discussed below. The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe…
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Asbestos Post: Listing of Prior 122 Blog Topics

As my readership continues to grow, I like to periodically provide a searchable summary of my prior blog topics, just in case a reader would like to search for a specific topic. My prior posts of this list have drawn a lot of readers. As such, my prior asbestos blog posts are as follows: Blog…
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Asbestos-Related Issues Impacting Bangladesh Shipbreaking Laborers: My Research Thesis.

My second of three research thesis is now complete and at my professor for grading and feedback. The title is “Asbestos-Related Issues Impacting Bangladesh Shipbreaking Laborers” and you may find a full copy at https://theasbestosblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Asbestos-Bangladesh-Shipbreaking-582023.pdf. The paper is thirty eight pages not including the Bibliography because, after all, there are a lot of asbestos-related issues…
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