For People and Companies Involved in Asbestos Related Claims

Where History Means Knowledge.
Be Informed.

Updated Blog Posts

My Blog posts are meant to inform and to peak your interest.  Should you have a particular issue in mind, please email me at

Modern Day Asbestos in a War Zone: The Ultimate Exposure

With the fighting in both Gaza and the Ukraine, the microscopic and invisible asbestos-containing dust particles released by the bombing likely will be catastrophic to those locations in the coming[…]

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Space Shuttle Challenger 1986 Tragedy: The IBM Wall Poster

I am earnestly preparing for my October 4th three theses defense and, as such, am going to skip doing a new asbestos blog this week. Probably next week also. Rather,[…]

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Asbestos in World War II and Asbestos-Containing Pipe: Boy, was I Ignorant

As many of you know, I have my oral defense of my three theses on October 4th and am working to be fully prepared and ready to go. When done,[…]

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Legal Disclaimer

This website and my Blog are meant to be educational tools for those involved in asbestos related issues, and not to provide legal advice. However, to the extent which either the website or Blog do provide some legal advice or should you request such advice, then this information could be construed as an advertisement for legal services. All such advertising must be truthful and accurate in all respects so as not to be misleading. 

I hope that you find the information as informative as I do.

My contact information is as follows:
Attorney Martin L. Ditkof
5035 Vista Del Ore PT
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(414) 581-8911 
Licenced in Wisconsin and Michigan as an attorney