Manville Trust Document Repository is now Phone and Email Only. The Denver, Colorado In-person Location is Closed.

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Manville Trust Document Repository is now Phone and Email Only. The Denver, Colorado In-person Location is Closed.

This is big news to those of us who research Johns-Manville history. The JM Claims Research Facility in Denver, Colorado will no longer allow scheduled appointments for in-person research. Starting July 1, 2023, all contacts are by phone or email which means, of course, that getting your eyeballs on the correct documents will be a lot harder and, likely, more expensive.

Fortunately, I have collected over the years from the research facility the Motley 1000 documents, the historical chronology created by the JM legal department, and just about every index that they ever created for their documents. These documents are a good starting point to understand what documents are at the research facility and how to craft your inquires.

I guess what I am saying is, if you have a need for historical J-M information, you may want to drop me a line before going to the research facility. Up to you, but I don’t charge and I may be able to send you an Index or document that helps you out. Let me know if you have any questions or comments by dropping me a note either in the comments or at Marty