Asbestos Exposure in the Military: Even Today

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Asbestos Exposure in the Military: Even Today

I received a message from Ed Hill several days ago, about a story involving recent exposure to asbestos while in the military. Because Ed said that the U.S. soldiers were also in the buildings and experienced the same exposure, I thought that my blog this week should be just providing the link to his story at, and let the words speak for themselves.

The cover picture is that of my father, who died of asbestos exposure that originally occurred in the military during World War II. You would think that we have learned our lesson after 70 or so years.

My thanks to Ed for not being a shrinking violet and ensuring that this story was subject to discussion. Thanks. Marty


3 Responses

  1. Hi Marty,
    doesn’t surprise me at all I remember a colleague of mine won a contract for WH & S training at a nearby airbase and I was asked to do the asbestos survey ( late 1990s). went along did the survey but they already knew where it all was in the hangars and occupied areas. So I ask about the the building out in the field in the distance that’s obviously all asbestos sheeting including the roof with a lot of holes in it….. No you can’t go in there that’s where special forces train and sometimes they use live ammo…..

  2. Edward Hill says:

    Thank you for mentioning me in this article. Hopefully, somebody from the Canadian and US Army will take note of this and share the fact that these troops were knowingly exposed to asbestos while on Sabre Strike. I have evidence that they knew it was there before the deployment.

    In the meantime, I will leave you with this video.

    Former Royal Marines Commando Edward Hill

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