Let’s Detour from History to the Potential of AI to Create its own Future History in Asbestos: Amazing Things are Happening

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Let’s Detour from History to the Potential of AI to Create its own Future History in Asbestos: Amazing Things are Happening

As I start my summer break from the classroom and updating my three thesis, I have been giving some thought to ways in which AI might change various issues about asbestos: detecting Asbestos Containing Material, helping streamline the work in the labs, analyzing asbestos, and “on and on.” What I found in a simple Google Search in about 15 minutes is astounding. Astounding enough that those who are potentially being exposed or whom have an asbestos illness diagnosis should now be asking their professionals (doctors, labs, experts, employers, and attorneys) how AI might be helpful.

My 15 minutes in searching included the following hits:

I was initially presuming that AI would be most helpful to attorneys proceeding with, or defending against, claims in lawsuits. Imagine if all of the law firms, manufacturers, governmental agencies, and insurance carriers globally shared their database of documents and tailored generative AI searches for the information potentially relevant to the particular situation? Imagine the power that those attorneys would have to help prosecute or defend against the claims. Also imagine if instead of the moneys spent on experts, less money is spent on all aspects of lawsuits that either decrease the settlements and/or puts more money into the pockets of those who are ill. Streamlining the cases while freeing up the attorneys to do what they do best — tailor arguments. Making it less expensive to identify and deal with asbestos issues in countries which are too poor under the current rules.

Let me know in the comments or by email to TheAsbestosBlog@gmail.com your thoughts on how AI may changed how asbestos related issues are handled. I see this as a critical issue for those who want to use technology to leap frog over their competitors. Thanks. Marty


One Response

  1. Michael Crill says:

    Hoping this will do away with so called scientist who down play and lie about asbestos. As one scientist once told me no one disputes the findings and evidence because they are scientists…as he falsified asbestos samples to downplay results. They too cant be trusted. Always hope for truth

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