Space Shuttle Challenger 1986 Tragedy: The IBM Wall Poster

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Space Shuttle Challenger 1986 Tragedy: The IBM Wall Poster

I am earnestly preparing for my October 4th three theses defense and, as such, am going to skip doing a new asbestos blog this week. Probably next week also. Rather, as I realize how so many of the asbestos exposure decisions involve cost trade offs, I would just like to bring home how safety must be institutionalized and not being a mere slogan.

As an example, see Remembering the Space Shuttle Challenger: Thoughts on Asbestos and Crew Survivability Procedures. – The Asbestos Blog and the full thesis referenced in that blog. Note that the cover picture is the Challenger on the launch pad with IBM stating: “Quality: Defect Prevention … It matters.” I am told that IBM tore down and destroyed these wall posters immediately after the tragedy. Needless to say, they missed at least one poster.

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One Response

  1. Michael Crill says:

    It is my understanding their were some in nasa who had concerns about the shuttle that something was not right as we found out alittle too late. Too much cost to delay may be the reason..ya think.

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