Tag: shipbreaking

Where History Means Knowledge. Be Informed.

Asbestos + The Most Dangerous Job on the Planet.

What do you get when you combine asbestos, one of the most dangerous minerals in the world, https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/deadliest-minerals-and-gemstones.html (number 3 per this article) with ship breaking in Bangladesh, called by at least one article as “the most dangerous job on the plant.” Certainly a topic worth discussing and, for me, worth devoting the next 9…
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Any of my Attorney Readers looking for extra work? Low pay (maybe no pay), Incredible Personal Satisfaction, Lives on the Line, Cutting Edge Issues? Make a Name for Yourself?

As I begin to focus on my Master’s in History thesis number two, this one on asbestos exposure to ship-breaking workers, I am looking for any attorneys (let’s start off with United States based) who might have the time, desire, and inclination to help; help the overseas ship-breaking workers, that is, and not my thesis.…
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Why Ship Breaking is an Export for Developed Countries and an Import for those which are Underdeveloped: Asbestos Makes a Difference.

Ship breaking (scrapping) is a classic situation of developed countries (in World Systems terminology, “core states”) sucking up the good parts of technology, production, capital, and profits, while exporting the bad parts to lesser developed areas of the world (“periphery states”) willing to accept what the core countries allow, in exchange for taking risks otherwise…
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How to Research the Difficult; Ship Breaker Exposure to Asbestos

I am beginning my book project dealing with asbestos exposures arising from ship building, seafaring, and ship breaking (scrapping) that will be my focus for at least a couple of years. Fingers crossed on the detailed research and pulling it off informatively and with an interested readership. Right now, ship breaking is likely the most…
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Ship Breaking in Bangladesh: Exporting the Asbestos Exposure with no Worker Safety

Ship Breaking means what visually comes to mind: breaking old ships into pieces for disposal or recycling. One of the primary areas in the world that specializes in Ship Breaking is Chittagong Ship Yards in Bangladesh. This link provides a good visual as to how this occurs. https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2012/may/06/shipbreaking-yards-chittagong-in-pictures. As discussed in the link, the workers…
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