Tag: shipbreaking

Where History Means Knowledge. Be Informed.

Are You Renovating a House Built in 1877? Might that Last Layer of Paint that you are scraping off the Bare Wood have Asbestos? You Bet.

This blog is a little short as I am still focusing on my research thesis entitled “Asbestos-Related Issues Impacting Bangladesh Shipbreaking Laborers.” I should complete that project within a couple of weeks. For this blog, let’s talk paint. I happen to have a H.W. Johns’ manual from March 1, 1877 (yes, over 150 years ago)…
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Asbestos History Blogs: A List for Your Convenience.

I posted a summary of my asbestos blogs a couple of months ago (January 12, 2023) after I reached the 100 blog level. Given the number of new readers and the breadth of my posts (now up to about 110), I would like to post that list again. If any of the below interests you,…
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Asbestos Related Issues Impacting Bangladesh Shipbreaking Laborers: Any Input in Advance?

I have “finally” completed my outline, organized an Abstract, and am working towards drafting the research article discussing the impact of asbestos on shipbreaking laborers in Bangladesh, including a focus on whether jurisdiction for some of the health-related issues should be available in the United States. If anyone reading this blog is so inclined and…
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Asbestos Related Issues: Shipbreaking in Bangladesh Thesis

As I work on my Masters in History Thesis (Number 2 of 3), I thought that many of you might be interested in reading the Abstract and, potentially, would like to weigh in with your thoughts and suggested improvements. All recommendations and criticism will be considered constructive. ABSTRACT As shipbreaking (recycling an ocean going vessel…
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Asbestos: Developing Countries Versus Developed Countries. A Snapshot from 2000 for Bangladesh

As I dig into the published material for my research thesis focusing on the asbestos exposure arising from shipbreaking in Bangladesh, I think that a blog discussing the stark differences between developing countries and developed countries might be worthwhile. I have chosen the year 2000 for a comparison as England went asbestos free in 1999…
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Asbestos History Blogs: 100 Weekly Blogs and Still Going. A Summary.

I started my weekly asbestos history blogs on December 16, 2020. Just over two years later, the total has reached 100. Hopefully, you find them interesting, informative, and thought provoking. For those of you who have joined me after the beginning or who have specific topics of interest, I am listing the blogs in the…
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Ability of Asbestos Fibers to move from Soil to Groundwater, and then to Inhalation Risk

The article is entitled “Mobility of asbestos fibers below ground is enhanced by dissolved organic matter from soil amendments.” The importance of this 2021 article by Sanjay Mohanty and her co-authors published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters is best stated in the Abstract as follows: “To prevent exposure of millions of people living…
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The Norway Courts: If you lie to us about asbestos and ship breaking, you go to jail.

I don’t know the Norway legal system and nor do I have any insights into the judges who sit on this appeal court. However, being familiar with many other courts and judges, I am duly impressed. The link to the entire 36 page, easy to read, decision is at https://theasbestosblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2022-Norway-Court-Decision-Asbestos_10102022.pdf. The case involved a group…
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Breaking Ships and Asbestos

Breaking ships at the end of their lives (versus sinking them to be a reef in the Ocean or turning them into museums) is big business with a lot of battles between purchasers/countries that want the business and steel against environmental and labor groups. Publicity matters; a lot. Just Google ” aircraft carrier San Paulo”…
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Asbestos, Ship Breaking in Bangladesh, and World-Systems Analysis: Standing on the Shoulders of Those who have come before me.

As I dig into the historical research concerning these seemingly independent concepts and begin to conceptualize my analysis, I have found one scholar who’s work has directly touched on all three of these issues. R. Scott Frey authored a paper entitled “The International Traffic in Asbestos” in 2006 and authored “Breaking Ships in the World-System:…
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